Monday, January 21, 2008

The Great Dinner Experiment

My trend analysis and forecasting of my kitchen provisions said that I need not bother about rice for the moment and the decision was only between cutlets or chips for dinner.

Cutlets - the frozen ones which you just dipped in oil and fried and ate. I already had them on Sunday for lunch and again for dinner on Monday or no !?!

Chips - had to buy 100 gms at the Hot Chips on the way home.

Contemplating this on the way home, I figured that since I anyway would have to buy rice, eggs and other stuff tomorrow, it would be better to get the chips also tomorrow as the overhead costs involved would get approportioned on all these items.

So rice and cutlets it was.

And soon as I reached home went to the refrigerator to take the items in question out to thaw. The cutlets were there - two in number but the rice, there was very little..hardly a fistful.
Rice could be cooked but just was not in the mood to measure it out, wash it with water, chase little black stuff in that water, transfer it to the cooker and all that.

Then my eyes fell on the loaf of bread patiently waiting its turn to be consumed by me in the corner of the refrigerator. Well bread and cutlet sandwiches!! The long forgotten cheese also seemed to shout "me too". So Cutlet sandwiches topped with Cheese..things were getting better. Then my eyes fell on the 3 tomatoes cuddled together in a corner - lonely remnants of my mom's visit. Well Cheese spread and a tomato slice did sound good. Out they came to be washed and sliced.

All set and the frying pan simmering over a low flame, I dumped the frozen cutlet patty's ceremoniously on to the pan. A wee bit of oil and soon they were beginning to acquire a tan. In order to maintain high levels of efficiency, two bread slices were also asked to share the pan with the cutlets. Then I remembered - at first it was a faint memory..of a small vat of ghee hiding behind the vessels in the deepest corner of the refrigerator. I also remembered bread tanned better with ghee.

The ghee was hard enough to bend the spoon I used and refused to give in. Soon had a blob of ghee simmering away merrily on the pan and the bread slice loved it. Tomato slices were cut in roughly circular shapes while all this was going on. Efficiency I guess would have been close to 100%.

Soon bread sandwiches filled with cutlets, tomato slices and topped off with cheese. Looked yummy. Piled them up on a plate and settled myself comfortably in front of the Telly. Well, maybe it was the meat or the ghee in the toast or the healthy helpings of cheese or a combo of all 3 which made it a little too heavy for comfort. Just couldnt go beyond the second sandwich. But me was brought up never to waste food so cheering myself on I picked up the third, halfway through It I reached my endurance limit.
That was it.

Retching and heaving, with a sigh of relief I consigned the remnants of my culinary creativity to the dust bin. I am still recovering from that bout. And I was thinking about bread for breakfast but now I have decided never to set my eyes on bread and toasted bread at that for atleast a century and a half.


Unknown said...

Was mouth-watering as you went on with ur dinner preparation.. The cook need not wait for another century or half to take an attempt.. Can try again but with reduced number of slices...

Anonymous said...

Why wait a century or half?? Time for Aunty to understand that her son is in desperate need of a "better half".. :)... Hope she could do something better with "BREAD"!!!!

Jagged Arrow Head said...

I agree with dally man, Nimalan you need someone now. Also, with all added responsibilities, its time for some action man

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... your cooking skills are all for yourself is it?? When am I going to get to taste some of your cooking?


Unknown said...

Why don't you provide random strokes on the delicious rasam u made in Chennai ;-)